Or moralizing culture wants to portray this as a one-sided issue. It is not.
Rape has a long and storied tradition. The holy texts of many religions explicitly condone rape. In the Bible, some examples are Deuteronomy 21:10-14, Judges 21:10-24, and Zechariah 14:1-2, among countless others. The Quran has Qur'an 2:223 and Qur'an 4:24 among others. Those who would argue against rape for religious reasons and wish to force their religion on others clearly don't even know their own texts.
Obviously, for as long as there has been sexual intercourse, there has been rape. And as we have seen, anti-rape laws have not stopped rape, and will never stop it.
In fact, all that these anti-man and anti-freedom laws do is push rape underground. A rapist still rapes, but without professionals to ensure that no harm comes to him. The female is often not properly sedated and thus may cause harm to the man. In addition, unregulated rape also puts men in danger of sexually transmitted infections such as herpes, HIV, or many others. To make matters worse, a rapist will often be reluctant to seek treatment for STIs or wounds from an improperly sedated female lest he be imprisoned.
Some misandrous individuals choose to slander us as "pro-rape". This is not true in the least; we merely support the right of a man to *choose* to rape. Almost none of us believe rape is a good thing. But if a man *chooses* rape, we have no right to impose this belief upon others.
We understand that there are people out there that have sincere moral objections to rape, and respect these people as long as they do not attempt to force their opinions on others. If you're against rape, just don't rape anyone! This is and issue we'll probably never agree on, so LPTQ and the Official Multifaith National Organization for the Manumission of the Nation's Obsequious Men think it makes sense that we compromise and simply allow each individual man to decide whether or not rape is right for him.
The anti-man crowd would use the violence of law to force a man to remain celibate against his will. Any government that has enough power to stop a man from raping can also force him to rape. This is not an issue of morality, but whether we are going to trust a man to make his own decisions about his sexuality. What kind of society do we live in that a man does not even have a right to his own penis?