Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Selective Service System

Currently, the United States has a Selective Service System in which all males are required to register in the 30 days before or after their 18th birthday. While it is beyond the Official Multifaith National Organization for the Manumission of the Nation's Obsequious Men's mission to oppose the draft itself, we must call attention to the fact that women are excluded from this registration.

Because of this, LPTQ must stand against any draft or SSS that unfairly requires forced service or registration for one gender but not the other.


In their never-ending quest to turn men into criminals, the anti-rape foes fail to actually act in accordance with their professed beliefs.

The next time someone tells you that rape is immoral, ask them how many females "at risk" of spousal rape they have married.

And, of course, many people were conceived by rape. According to the fascist anti-man "morality" of the anti-rape foes (that they insist we must all share), these people should not exist. Why, then, are there not hoards of anti-rapers out there murdering these abominations?

I'll tell you why. Clearly, nobody acts as if they believe rape is wrong unless they're looking for a way to restrict men's rights.